
“Vestir el cuerpo” - Victoria Muniagurria- April 17th to May 31st

On Wednesday, April 17th, the Embassy hosted the opening of the exhibit "Dressing the Body" by the artist Victoria Muniagurria, curated by Gabriela Mizes, took place. This exhibition was selected in the call organized by the Embassy for the 2023/2024 season.

Victoria Muniagurria was trained in various areas of design and for many years developed her professional activity in Fashion Design. She is currently fully dedicated to the Visual Arts, developing her work through painting and textile
sculpture. She was born in Goya, province of Corrientes. She then created her own clothing brand and until 2011 she continued to work with other well-known clothing brands in design. In 2012 she attended a painting workshop moving
away from fashion. In 2015 she began to experiment with textile sculpture, thus giving birth to the series "Dressing the Body"

She completed her degree in Fashion Design at Biblioteca de Mujeres in 1984, complementing her training in Fashion Marketing at the University of Belgrano, Buenos Aires. She has held numerous solo and group exhibitions since 2015, including: VIII Salón de Arte Textil, Museo Popular José Hernández, Buenos Aires; Affordable Art Fair, New York City, USA (2021); National Textile Art Salon, Rómulo Raggio Museum (2021), Buenos Aires, among others.

Victoria Muniagurria’s work in the series Vestir el Cuerpo (Dressing the Body) speaks of a flight, of a metamorphosis—the different skins we use in life, all the steps that we go through, and the surgical gauze the artist uses is the synonymous of healing, repairing. On the other hand, the use of natural inks refers to the return of nature.


Post date: 02/05/2024